Moving to a house with Flytt & Städfix Mälardalen.

Welcome to your most comprehensive guide to moving house! If you are feeling overwhelmed by the big move, you are not alone. It is a complex process that can be stressful. But don't worry, we at Flytt & Städfix Mälardalen are here to guide you through every step. We have gathered all the information you need to feel prepared and safe, from preparation to what you need to do after your move.

Planning a move: packing and clearing out

Sort and Reduce the Amount of Stuff

The first step in any successful house move is effective packing and decluttering. If you are thinking about which items are actually worth bringing to your new home, you should start by sorting them into different categories such as clothing, kitchenware, and electronics. The aim is to keep only what you really need and possibly sell, donate or throw away the rest.

Preparing for Safe Transport

Once you know what to bring, the next step is to make sure everything is packed safely. That means sturdy moving boxes, bubble wrap and high-quality tape. Don't forget to pack things you won't use in the near future first, and leave everyday items for last.

Moving Checklist: Essential Tasks and Timeframes

One month before the move

Keeping track of all your tasks can be a challenge when you move house. Therefore, it is wise to make a checklist. A month before the big day, you should start by canceling or transferring all your subscriptions such as electricity, gas and internet. This is also the time to book a moving truck or, in our case, a professional moving company like Flytt & Städfix Mälardalen.

Final Preparations

Two weeks before you move house, start packing things you don't use often. It is also time to inform the post office of your new address. A week before the move, you should make sure to gather all the important documents and do a final walk-through of the old property to make sure nothing has been missed.

Day D: Moving day

Early morning

On moving day, you should get up early and have a hearty breakfast. You will need a lot of energy for the coming day. Make sure you have a last-minute bag with all the essentials such as medicines, chargers and a few changes of clothes. You will also need a survival kit for the first few hours in your new house, including toiletries and simple meals.

Coordinate with the removal company

If you've hired a professional moving company like Flytt & Städfix Mälardalen, they will likely arrive early in the morning. Make sure you are available to coordinate and that everything goes as planned. Be clear about which items need extra care and where they should be placed in the new house.

After the move: installation and unpacking

Secure all subscriptions

Now that you've moved into your new house, it's time to review and secure all your subscriptions. Make sure that electricity, water, gas and internet are working properly. If something is not right, contact the respective service provider immediately.

Unpacking and Organization

Start by unpacking the most important items such as kitchen utensils and clothes. It can be a good idea to establish some order in the house early on. This will make things easier for you in the long run.

Summary and Final Thoughts

Moving to a new house is a big change and can be challenging, but with the right preparation and good planning, the process becomes much easier. We hope this guide has been helpful and that you feel ready for this exciting new stage in your life.

Thank you for reading our guide on moving to a house. If you have any further questions or need professional help with your move, don't hesitate to contact us at Flytt & Städfix Mälardalen. Good luck with your move!