Moving abroad
There are many things to consider when moving abroad.
Flytt & Städfix Mälardalen AB help you with any questions

Mälardalen expatriation
Moving abroad is a bit more complicated than moving within the country and there are a lot of documents to deal with.
We at Flytt & Städfix Mälardalen AB have a solid experience of different types of international moves and can help with everything that has to do with moving abroad.
It is important to plan your move down to the last detail. We have checklists and good habits.
When moving abroad, it is perfectly possible to apply for a RUT deduction from the tax authorities if you want relocation assistance with moving abroad. The move must be between residences in the EU/EEA or Switzerland. This applies to dwellings where the occupant lives full-time or part-time.
You are welcome to contact us for questions about moving abroad.
Expatriation Department